Saturday, January 17, 2015

Project 365: Week 3

I didn't do as well following the 30 day challenge ideas, but I though I did fairly well taking pictures, until I looked and didn't take any pictures on the 11th!

Day 11: Something Blue

I have no excuse other than it was the Lord's Day.

Day 12: Sunset

The sun hasn't shown itself in days, so a sunset was not going to happen!  I decided to take a picture of something red.

Day 13: Yourself with 13 Things

I played around with focus and aperture.  There are about 5 fabrics in the picture, though you can only really see two or three.

Day 14: Eyes

I really love paper and diagrams and different colored markers and pens.  This diagram is of my next quilting project!

Day 15: Silhouette 

I took quite a few pictures of Mercy playing with her favorite cousin, Clayton.  It was interesting to see the difference in white balance between pictures with more inside and more outside.  Obviously, it is something I'm going to have to read up on and play with.

Day 16: Long Exposure

 I actually managed to take a long exposure!  I was near Freeman's Mill Park and stopped for a few minutes to take some pictures of my daughter near the mill and to capture a few pictures of the waterfall.

Day 17: Technology

Today was such a beautiful day, that Adrian and I took the family to the zoo!  I didn't get to take many pictures because Adrian wanted to use the camera.  I did get this one of Adrian helping Kyle get a good shot.

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