Saturday, July 30, 2016

Project 366: Week 26

I am not sure where July went, but I wanted to get some things done before starting school again.  I have been working on a lot of different things.  Most of them are finished or mostly done!  I hope to start school August 1.  We will start slowly, but I am looking forward to having some semblance of a schedule again.
This post is for June 26 - July 2.

Sunday: As is usual, I didn't take a picture on the Lord's Day.  This picture is from Tuesday.  Our church hosted it's first VBS in many, many years!  I volunteered to watch the nursery for workers' children.  As it turned out, Patrick was the only child who needed watching.  The VBS went very well.  I am thankful for the work of Ben Castle who organized the whole VBS and all the other workers who did much more than I did!

Monday:  Our chiropractor, Dr. Bolen, has the nicest little garden behind his building.  The kids love to run through it and and play in their dry creek bed.  I am thankful for the chance to see some of God's beautiful creation in this small quiet location.

Tuesday:  Ladies' day at Georgia Gun Club!  Megan, Mom, and I had a girls' night out that started out shooting several different 380s.  One of the workers at the gun club was very kind and gave us personal instruction on our shooting skills!  I am thankful the time away doing something out of the ordinary.  We had a great time!

Wednesday: Michelle Cunningham is a wonder when it comes to food.  She makes beautiful things with food, and the snacks for VBS was no exception.   Patrick tries to "help" organize the snacks!  Again, I am thankful for all the VBS workers who did a great job all week!

Thursday:  Kyle found some large sticks in the yard.  He wanted to hit anything and everything with them.  After trying to keep him away from the dog and the baby, I told him to go hit the trees.  He had a great time trying to break every branch!  I am thankful for Kyle's desire to play and explore.  And I am thankful for the difference between boys and girls and how they play.

Friday:  Megan bought Sophia and Kyle bikes at Goodwill!  The kids loved their new bikes and wanted to try them out right away.  We took the bikes to the street as it is flat and the kids had a great time.  But even though Kyle and Sophia got the new bikes, my best pictures were of Mercy's smile!  She loves her "push bike".  I am thankful for her cheerful smile.

Saturday:  I turn my back for 1 minute, and Patrick is into something.  He is always getting on top of something or opening something and throwing everything he finds onto the floor.  It gets old fast, but I know this time moves faster so I am trying to enjoy it.  I am thankful for this curious little bundle of energy.

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