Monday, April 11, 2016

Project 366: Week 13

This week has been an emotional one.  Maybe I'll write a post about it, but for now, I'll say that the accident we witnessed on March 24, resulted in a fatality.  It has been hard to process, though it has been an event that has brought me to pray much more.  I struggled to take pictures just because I didn't feel like it!  This is for March 27 - April 2.

Sunday: I took a picture!  Patrick is often a happy boy, except when he isn't!  He tends to be fussy and demanding when he is eating.  It is draining, but most of the time he is like this, happy and excited about life.  I am thankful for medicine to help Kyle breath.  He has struggled with his asthma for over a month!  We have been working on giving him his medicine around the clock, and that seems to help some.  But I am grateful to have some way of helping him!

Monday: Sophia was so excited to have climbed up this tree!  She was so high, it made my stomach turn, but she was as happy as could be.  She waited very patiently for me to get the camera to take a picture before coming back down.  I am thankful for God's protection of my children!  This one has been climbing since about 6 months old, and has only broken one bone!  The Lord has been good to her and to us.

Tuesday: Mercy (and the other kids) enjoy watching the washing machine.  Who knew that a glass lid could make this machine so entertaining!  I am thankful for the curiosity of children.  I love watching their wonder at the world and how it works.  I gives me new awe as I see what God has done in the world around us through their eyes. 

Wednesday:  I didn't take any pictures, but this one is from Monday.  We discovered that Patrick doesn't really like the feel of grass on his hands.  He will happily sit where ever you put him in the yard because he doesn't really want to crawl anywhere else!  I love the weather we have been having!  I am thankful for this time outdoors before the mosquitoes get too bad and the temperatures get too hot.

Thursday: It had been one week from the accident.  I was amazed that they fixed the walk/do not walk sign within two days of the accident.  I saw the little cross up on Monday afterwards, so we stopped to get a picture on our way to school on Thursday.  It seemed strange to me.  I love going to cemeteries and taking pictures there, but this seemed to be wrong somehow.  It still hurts to see this picture and to drive through this intersection (which I do almost every time I leave my house).  But I am thankful to God for the lessons I am learning from this accident.  Lessons about prayer and compassion, about the impact of one person and reaching out to people.

 Friday: We started our spring break a bit early.  After doing some light school work, and cleaning the house, I let the kids paint!  They had so much fun.  I think I captured Mercy's sparkly eyes!  I am thankful for Mercy's sparkle and enthusiasm.

Saturday: Patrick has learned how to get on top of almost anything he wants to.  He wanted to play with the paint brushes (that the kids hadn't put away from yesterday's project), so he just climbed up on the window seat and had a great time!  I am thankful for this window seat!  It has been so nice to have the extra seating and the kids have really like using it to watch the birds or neighbors or anything else interesting in front of our house.

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